In the past few weeks I have worked on some of the horror genre aspects of the game. These include the Enemies aswell as the consequences of stying in the dark too long.
Tracking Light ๐
I modified the Point and Spotlight to be able to track wether the player is in the light or not. Both do this by regurlarly doing a sphere trace. The Radius of the sphere adapts to the attenuation radius of the light. This is not 100% accurate, as the edge of the attenuation radius is dim light.
The Directional Light is not as straightforward. I made a component that regularly fires a line trace. The direction of the line trace is based on the angle of the directional light. If the linetrace hits an objects, the player should be standing in its shadow.
There are still edge cases that need to be resolved, such as lantern and the directional light and the other lights contradiciting each other.
Darkness ๐
If the player stays in the darkness for too long, a timer will start that triggers different kind of effects, such as a post process effect, sounds playing and ultimately enemies spawning that ruthlessly follow the enemy. The post process effect is not implemented in the video.
Enemies ๐
At the current moment I have worked on 2 out of 3 planned enemies. These are “The Demons in the Shadow” and “Shame”. The first one’s only attack if the player stays for too long in the darkness. “Shame” on the other hand roams randomly around and only becomes aggressive if the player looks at it for too long, thus the name “Shame”.
I have utilized the mesh from the protagonist to create a base mesh. For a creepier aesthetic are their limbs thing and their arms long. The Mesh is currently utilized for both enemies.