This Card Game is a hobby project inspired by Inscryption, powered by Unreal Engine.
Status: Unfinished
Background 🔗
I was the kid on the playground that knew the Yu-Gi-Oh! rules. Card Games like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon TCG and Magic the Gathering played a big role for me when I grew up. I always wanted to make one myself, so when I had Corona and didnt know what to do with myself I decided to just go for it.
Visuals 🔗
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I liked the idea of using old sketches from me. Not only could I save time this way, but also use the rough aesthetic of an unfinished sketch fro an unique feel. While prototyping I ended up with this really nice clean looking wooden cube. Combining that with darkness and a spotlight turned out to be a great way to set the scene. I havent really gone beyond any of that, except adding a little flare with some lights and fade in and out, but I still like it a lot and I think it has a lot of potential.
The Cards 🔗
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I put a lot of thought into designing the mechanics of the cards, trying to figure out what could be fun, what has strategic potential and how cards can complement each other. But the majority is not implemented.
There is only one blueprint and all the data gets pulled from a data table.
Each card receives a power and a life value, a class which determines a synergy effect, a trait which is a keyword summarizing an effect. Each card starts with ascension one, but if you have the same card three times they combine and ascend, boosting all stats.