Void Walk

· 313 words · 2 minute read

The project “Void Walk” was created with the intention of exploring a situation between life and death, aswell as exploring remembering and forgetting in a bizarre story. We combine fantasy with reality in order to create a possible intermediate world in which the protagonist has to come to terms with his past to be able to “step into the light”.
Status: finished


The Team 🔗

This Project was made together with

Some of my Contributions 🔗

Concept Art 🔗

Click to expand

I provided the initial idea and sketches for the project.

The Movement 🔗

The Movement

There are multiple ways for the player to move around, depending on the situation.

At all times the player is able to pull himself to another object or use teleportation, if motion sickness is an issue. These are mainly meant to be used while navigating in zero gravity.

If the player is above an island, gravity is simulated by line tracing downwards and adding force. If the player is on a surface, normal locomotion through the left stick can be used aswell.

The Islands 🔗

The Islands

Creating a system for the islands was my first attempt at writing code that can be used across multiple objects. In this case I am using Child Blueprints to adjust the parameters and characteristics of each island. These include:

  • The Islands Mesh
  • If or what objects should be spawned near the islands to help the player navigate
  • The Condition to spawn the next island

    The Material for the islands and the randomly spawned objects include a function that lets them fade in or out throuh a world space based noise mask.