AMVs / Anime Music Videos

· 143 words · 1 minute read

AMVs stands for either Anime Music Video or Animated Music Video. The Concept is simple: combine Video Material for for example an Anime with a Song. Some use these to promote their songs, some do them for fun.

AMVs were my first contact to video editing. While there is a general curiosity and exploration of the medium in these projects, have I overall focused on flow and narrative, either highlighting the show or attempting to create a new one.

AMVs are like a cultural movement of appreciation of what Anime, and media alike, is and what value they have brought to our lives.

At somepoint I stopped pursuing to make them as they inherently depend on the creations others.

These are my personalhighlights aswell as the most popular ones:

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This is a Playlist with a ll videos:

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